Monday, April 30, 2007


When I was little, there were no pre-k's in the little town we lived in. Instead, as each of us reached the necessary maturity, we were duly walked to storyhour two or three times a week. We listened to stories in a circle for about an hour and then trundled home. The only memory I have of this time is an intense longing to decode the hidden messages of letters and read at my own pace. No, wait. I had forgotten the great literary treasure, "Peas, Cheese, and Chocolate Pudding," which is a riveting story of one's child's unwilling adventure into culinary variety.
In any case, I love to hear stories to this day. I love to read them to myself and to my children. I will often, when visiting the library, not even venture into the adults sections. I know there are a great many treasures there, but I have children to share gems with now!
So when I heard this gentleman speak at a local homeschool conference, I was enchanted. He has the one essential quality of a good storyteller; he loves stories. So we spent a bit and are now listening to his voice quite a bit each day. Who can complain when their children want to hear great literature?

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