Thursday, May 31, 2007

May flowers bring good neighbors

This was the first May Day that refused to slip by unnoticed by us. Inspired, as we so often are, by Minnesota Mom, we made a handful of May baskets and deposited them on our neighbors doors.
Keep in mind that is it more our custom (when I say our, I mean my) to procrastinate and look back with regret after the fact at the missed opportunity. So this was, genuinely, a coup.
We don't know our neighbors well. Although we have been here for over 2 years in our "temporary" duplex, for the most part we haven't taken many opportunities to extend ourselves. Many neighbors have come and gone, as is the case in most rental areas. Our little cul-de-sac is entirely duplexes, largely owned by landlords, though a few are owned by tenant landlords. They live in one half while the other half is rented out.
Such is the case with our nearest neighbor. They have been here, if I remember correctly, as long as we have. But things have not been as quiet and simple as one might desire. In fact, there were a few dramatic moments. Like the one where I flew breathlessly down the steps and begged the gentleman to please, please, please not allow his dear pets to use our yard in the process of their "morning duty." He was taken aback, partly I am sure by my appearance, the hour, and my begging.
So imagine my surprise when the doorbell rang a few days into the month of May early in the day. I was still in robe, so I let eldest son answer. It was the neighbor. She had a pot of clever little "roses" to give to us, thanking us for the May basket. Each was a silk flower attached to a pen, pushed into several inches of pinto beans.
I was humbled. Here it took us so long to do a little something kind and how much it would have saved us! And the very next weekend, Mr. Neighbor cleaned and raked our back yard while we were away! Lesson learned (I hope!) as we prepare to have new neighbors.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Successful Hunt

So the house we originally had our little hearts set on sold to a different family. But within a few days, and many houses later, we found the exact same model house (they're everywhere!) for only a wee bit more with every little thing updated. St. Joe's good.

Now we wait. The closing isn't scheduled for 7 more weeks, but, if all goes well, we'll be using our new school room by the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. And that, I think, would please St. Joseph.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

St. Joseph, Patron of House Hunters

Would it be untoward to drop a St. Joseph medal at the house you're hoping to buy? Or would it be better to leave a miraculous medal and know that St. Joe, dear man that he is, completely understands?

Boo says to leave both, just in case.

In any case, Papa and I decided last night that the house we should get will have a natural spot for both dear St. Joseph, and a nice, new, outdoor Mary. After all, we look for the spot to put the outrageously large hutch that Papa's family calls the Breakfront (anything that large gets its own capital letter.)

Won't you please say a brief prayer for us and all other families seeking a little place to plant our Mary garden?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Making Mary's Month

Every year I commit to making Mary's month a special, prayerful time. It is, after all, such a wonderful opportunity to tie our children's heartstrings to the mother of God. And who is a better, more worthy model for this scattered homeschooling mom?

But every year, I find myself behind the 8 ball; finishing the school year, baseball, spring recital...somehow the time for planning and carrying out my plans slips away.

Well, this fine spring morning reminds me that Mary loves us dearly. She does not hold the rod of discipline or disapproval. Remember the first little weedy, little bouquet given by your child, roots swinging beneath grubby fingers? Didn't your heart melt? Our Lady loves us even more. Whatever gift we give is lovingly accepted as it is.

So this year, I am resolving to not be perfect, just loving. We have put up a sweet little May altar, we're playing "Bring Flowers of the Fairest" and the Ave Maria and lighting a few candles. And asking for the grace to love.

Happy May. Happy Spring.