Tuesday, May 8, 2007

St. Joseph, Patron of House Hunters

Would it be untoward to drop a St. Joseph medal at the house you're hoping to buy? Or would it be better to leave a miraculous medal and know that St. Joe, dear man that he is, completely understands?

Boo says to leave both, just in case.

In any case, Papa and I decided last night that the house we should get will have a natural spot for both dear St. Joseph, and a nice, new, outdoor Mary. After all, we look for the spot to put the outrageously large hutch that Papa's family calls the Breakfront (anything that large gets its own capital letter.)

Won't you please say a brief prayer for us and all other families seeking a little place to plant our Mary garden?


MamaT said...

Glad to see the blog and hi there from Texas! Our friend J sent me the link. Your blog looks beautiful, and you make me wish I were homeschooling again! Come see us over at Summa Mamas!

Margaret in Minnesota said...

You bet I'll pray for you!:)

PS. I'm a widow this week. Let's phone one another up some time soon.