Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Be Bold; Keep the Rules

I glanced at the cover of what I thought I had brought home from the library "free" pile of magazines. It wasn't the one I thought I'd grabbed. It was a magazine I hadn't seen before called "More" for women over 40.

Wanting to be open minded, I read through the highlighted articles. The largest, with a big picture of Diane Keaton read: "Be Bold, Break the Rules."

You know what? It's not at all bold to break the rules. Not really. Not now. Breaking the rules, especially the perceived rules, is somewhat of a sport.

Take a look at any lifestyle or personality section of any paper or magazine. The headlines revel in rule-breaking. When was the last time you opened the local paper to read the elevating story of a monagamous couple celebrating the birth of their 5th, 6th, 7th, etc. child? Or are you more likely to hear of drug use, jail sentences, wild parties, scanty clothes and various liasons? Now, I know I sound like a cranky old lady, but really, what's the challenge in following the crowd?

Being a veteran rule-breaker, I have to tell you, it's quite simple to break the rules. It's so much easier to let the tide of anger or sloth sweep you away from what you should be doing, or not doing. Ahem.

Truly, it's more of a challenge to keep the rules. Wouldn't it be easier to simply say, "Gee, I've had enough of sock wads near (not in) the hamper. You're out of here buddy!" than to bite your tongue and pick up the said sock wad? For the billionth time. Try it. Just for a day. Keep your tone gentle and your words kind. Or, more personally, eat only what you need. Where's the glory in pushing away the second helping? NOT eating the gooey chocolate dessert? Be bold. Keep the Rules.


Margaret in Minnesota said...

Okay, so the picture of Diane Keaton should have clued you in... ;)

Still. Having read the article prompted a thoughtful, well-written essay, so thank her. She was worth it.

Love you!

Sarah Jane said...

I must admit to some real cluelessness. I knew I'd seen her before, but couldn't quite place her. Like when you are watching a movie and spend the better part of it trying to remember exactly what else a certain actor had starred in. Context, context, context.